Miles to Go ...

December 22, 2017

 It is good to enjoy the beautiful things we encounter as we pass through life. There is nothing wrong with stopping to smell the roses – as long as we don’t let the distractions keep us from something more important. The poem puts meeting commitments first, followed by rest.

(If we aren’t finding time to enjoy the beauty around us, then maybe we have been making too many promises.)


Sharing Light

December 17, 2017

 Many of us learned about sharing through treats like candy. The problem with sharing candy is that the more people I share with, the less candy is left for me. Maybe that’s why many people prefer not to share.

There are some things that we can share without losing anything: Wisdom, understanding, and love are examples. There is a magical arithmetic that happens with these substances. Explaining something to another person increases my understanding of it. So, the more I share my und...

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Enjoy Responsibly

December 9, 2017

 The surest sign that we are having a good time is that we want to do it again. If our “recreations” are damaging the environment or hurt others, those good times will end.  Our use of public lands need to be guided by the principle of sustainability, so that future generations will be able to have the same pleasures that we enjoy.

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November 23, 2017

 I had to think twice to realize what Voltaire meant. I usually associate appreciation with saying “Thank you” or “Good job.” But, in this context, appreciation is more a matter of understanding and recognizing quality. When I read something just to get the facts or simply follow the plot, I am not appreciating the author’s skill in crafting the book. When I pay more attention to what I am reading, I appreciate the choice of words, the flow of ideas, and the pacing of the story....

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Trust Lost

November 18, 2017

 Most of the time when I lose or break something, it costs me some time and/or money to get it back or to get a replacement. But once I have recovered from the loss there are no lingering bad effects. However, if I lose someone's trust because of a lie or a broken promise, no matter what I do to try and fix things, some doubt will remain the next time I make a promise.

Almost any problem can be resolved if we honestly work on it together. If either of us is not honest about our part of a ...

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November 11, 2017

 Words are the main tools we have for formulating and expressing our ideas. That means that our understanding cannot be more precise than the meaning of words. If we use vague words, then our ideas will be vague.

Every field of study has a specialized vocabulary. The first step in learning a new subject is to learn the exact definitions of the words used in that field.

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Problem Recognition

November 5, 2017

 Saying “It’s not a problem” may seem to make life easier because if something is not a problem we can ignore it. That would be fine if it were true that “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.”

For a long time smoke from fires and engine exhaust was not considered a problem, so nothing was done to reduce the chemical emissions. Once people came to realize that the smog was hurting our health through asthma and other diseases, they started finding ways to improve the situation...

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October 28, 2017

Self-esteem can't win you a race if you're not in shape. - Louis Zamperini (former World Record holder for the mile run)

 There is no substitute for practice and preparation. Every athlete knows this. It also applies to nearly every other field of human endeavor. Musicians spend far more time practicing than performing. Airplane pilots spend enough time training in simulators that when an in-flight crisis occurs they will respond quickly and accurately.

The successes that result from th...

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Dinner Conversations

October 22, 2017

I suspect that this quote is an exaggeration, but it contains a good point. The traditional dinner table is a bridge across the generation gap. Ideally, it provides an informal atmosphere for all of the family members to share their ideas, concerns and triumphs. In addition to strengthening the family, this type of free exchange of ideas engenders innovation and positive changes. 
Let's try to maintain that "dinner table" atmosphere in more of our issue oriented conversations.

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Anger Response

October 15, 2017

 Photo: Wounded Knee Cemetery, SD

 During the 1800's there was a great deal of fear and anger between groups of settlers and Native Americans that erupted into violence. Attempts at avenging wrongs often resulted in attacks on innocent members of both groups, which created more anger. The anger was natural and justified, but the response led to shameful actions like the slaughter by U.S. troops of over 200 Lakota civilians who were camped at Wounded Knee under a white flag.

During the 1950'...

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